【FFBE幻影戦争】I want to ask about buffs stacking.
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- ohm
Can buffs stack in this game? For example, can ラムザ's さけぶ buff stack with all other type of ATK buffs?
- 2020/5/4 | 通報
- 回答数:4 閲覧数:2988
- 名無し
A general attack buff will not stack with another in-battle general attack buff. So, if you used sakebu on Orlandeau, and then Orlandeau raised his attack using his own attack-raising skill, only the strongest buff would apply
- 2020/5/15 | 通報
- 名無し
Oh, sorry. I mistook your point. Same buffs do not stack generally, but one attack buff and other kind of attack buff CAN stack.
- 2020/5/5 | 通報